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Scholarship Information & Application


Scholarship Application - (Scroll to bottom of page to download application after reading this page)

The SFBA (San Francisco Bay Area) Chapter provides scholarships each year to deserving scholars with emphasis on transportation which includes business, engineering, marketing, distribution and logistics.  All students are welcome to apply understanding that preference will be given to students that are pursuing the above and/or related courses of study.


The Chapter has provided annual scholarships that total anywhere from approximately $4,000 to $10,000 depending on the success of the fund raisers each year. See prior awards.


We sponsor and host our annual crab feed and golf outing to build our scholarship fund and raise awareness for our chapter and the mission of the NDTA. Other additional fund raisers may be conducted to increase our scholarship fund.  The scholarships are usually awarded during our Annual Installation of Officers Dinner in June however in 2020, 2021 and 2022 we were unable to have our installation dinner due to the Covid pandemic. NDTA San Francisco was proud to still be able to award scholarships  2020 thru 2022 during a difficult time and those recipients can be found here.



Applicants’ must be enrolled or show that they are planning to enroll in a college, university, or vocational program. They must complete that scholarship application and reside in the State of California.  The exception to this is SFBA Chapter members that reside outside of CA that are interested in applying, or have a family member interested in applying for one of the scholarships.  For example, a Chapter member living and working in Oregon but are members in good standing with the SFBA Chapter may apply or any of their family members may apply.


It is very important for each applicant to complete all sections of the application, supply the necessary documentation as well as an essay detailing career goals and objectives.


Scholarship Awards:

The Jack Macy Memorial Scholarship Award:  The Jack Macy Award is a scholarship of at least $2,500.00 that is awarded to a SFBA Chapter member, spouse, or immediate family member.  Students are eligible to join the NDTA at the cost of $20.00 per year.  The requirement for consideration is that you must be a US citizen.


Len Arbitter Memorial and Merit Scholarships:  From time to time there will also be additional scholarships available of $500.00 to $1500 or more.


Veterans Merit Scholarship:  This scholarship of $500.00 or more is open to any veteran on active duty or has been on active duty with the past five years.  Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited institution and provide all the information on the application form and supporting documents.


All awards will be sent directly to the appropriate college, university, etc. to the various schools administrators’ in the name of each winner.  This will be sent upon verification from the institution that the winner is attending that they are enrolled as a full time student for the upcoming quarter or semester.


Selection Process:  The Chapters Scholarship Committee will select the winners of the various Scholarships.  Winners will be notified by letter and email and will be invited to the Chapters Annual Dinner Installation of Officers/Silent Auction where they will receive their Certificate of Scholarship.  Selection criteria includes: completeness of application, field of study, essay, grades, extra curricular activities, letters of recommendation and other information listed on the application.


 Scholarship deadline – May 10, 2025


Click here to download the Scholarship Application.

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